Ken's Place's services

Ken's Placeのサービス

Ken's Place provides and manages short-term accommodation including monthly apartments, hotels, and personal lodgings.
We support investors in every stage, from business planning, to design, to license application.

Investment Styles

  • 既に1棟賃貸マンションを所有されている場合

    Already own a rental
    apartment building

    We can improve profitability by converting to a short-stay operation.

  • 新規に賃貸マンションを取得される場合

    When acquiring a new rental apartment

    we maximize profitability by using Ken's Place for short stay operations.

  • 土地を取得する場合

    When acquiring land

    We support the development and operation of facilities that maximize the return of investment.

Benefits of using Ken's Place

  1. 一貫したマーケティング戦略

    Point 1

    Consistent Marketing Strategy

    We have been attracting a high volume of customers on a consistent basis across our areas of business: from real estate selection to operation.

  2. インバウンド向けの集客

    Point 2

    Attracting Inbound Travellers

    Our attractive branding and careful curation and design of properties attracts a high volume of inbound customers.

  3. 投資家様へのリターン

    Point 3

    Returns for Investors

    We maximize investor returns through efficient management processes.

  4. 総合不動産会社としての実績

    Point 4

    Long-term track record

    Housing Japan K.K., the parent company of Ken's Place, has been delivering comprehensive real estate services since being established in 2000. We provide brokerage, development, and management of investment projects, focused on Central Tokyo.

If you are interested in developing land or converting a rental apartment building to a short stay operation, contact us below.