How to reserve

  1. お部屋を探す

    Find a room

    Enter your dates in the Search Box and find an available room.

    For short stays, you can find rooms to stay in from 1 night. For longer stays, from 1 month.

  2. 日付の選択

    Select Place

    Select the place you want to stay.

  3. 料金の確認

    Check the price

    Once you’ve selected a place and dates, the rate and expenses of your stay will be displayed.

  4. 必要事項の入力

    Fill out the form

    Please input the required information (name, email address, credit card information, etc.)

    *There’s no need to input credit card information if you book a monthly lodging. We will send you a link for credit card payment by email later.

  5. 予約の完了

    Complete your reservation

    Booking will be complete when you click Reserve.

  6. チェックイン

    Check in

    Details on how to check in will be sent to you by email.