Nestled between the bustling city and serene greenery, Yotsuya offers the perfect balance for those seeking a calm and peaceful residential atmosphere. Home to the renowned Yotsuya Palace and Sophia University, Yotsuya also boasts easy access to the vibrant neighborhoods of Shinjuku, Akasaka, and Roppongi, with just a 10-minute journey to Shinjuku and Tokyo Station. Experience the best of both worlds in this charming and desirable location.
¥7,000/1 night(Lowest price available)
51 Accommodation(s) found
- Yotsuya
- 2
Al Di La Yotsuya 301 daily.
¥10,500/1 night(Std)
- Yotsuya
- 2
Ken’s Place Yotsuya 302 daily.
¥10,500/1 night(Std)
- Yotsuya
- 3
Ken’s Place Yotsuya 101
¥10,500/1 night(Std)
- Yotsuya
- 3
Ken’s Place Yotsuya 401
¥10,500/1 night(Std)
- Yotsuya
- 3
Ken’s Place Yotsuya 103
¥10,500/1 night(Std)
- Yotsuya
- 3
Ken’s Place Yotsuya 201
¥10,500/1 night(Std)
- Yotsuya
- 3
Ken’s Place Yotsuya 301
¥10,500/1 night(Std)
- Yotsuya
- 2
Ken’s Place Yotsuya 303 daily.
¥10,500/1 night(Std)
- Yotsuya
- 2
Ken’s Place Yotsuya 402 daily.
¥10,500/1 night(Std)
- Yotsuya
- 2
Ken’s Place Yotsuya 403 daily.
¥10,500/1 night(Std)
- Yotsuya
- 3
Ken’s Place Yotsuya 002
¥11,000/1 night(Std)
- Yotsuya
- 3
Ken’s Place Yotsuya 501
¥12,660/1 night(Std)